
Following Jesus Together

The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. When Jesus saves us, he saves us into an eternal family—a family with whom we pursue and enjoy him together. All of the the things that we are called to do as Christians—worship God, study his Word, tell others about his love—they are meant to be done alongside one another.

That’s what membership to a local church is all about. When we join a church, we’re linking arms with a group of people with whom we can live out the Christian life—people with whom we will be cared for and equipped. Simply put, when we join a church, we are saying, “These are the people with whom I’m going to follow Jesus.”

At our New Member Classes, we share about what membership at Risen Church looks like and how we as a specific local church desire to fulfill what God has called the church to be. If you would like to join Risen, or just learn more about membership here, click below to register for the next class. We will provide lunch and childcare if needed.